we ask American people what are your top 5 favorable food that makes them feel good.

And we have got excellent answers to that question All of them differed in their ranking of the best five, but the majority agreed on the best two, and here is the arrangement of the answers according to the majority:

1- Apple Pie

I think no one will disagree with this because as the American saying "American as apple pie"

For those who don't know what apple pie is "An apple pie is a fruit pie in which the principal filling ingredient is apples. Apple pie is often served with whipped cream, ice cream, custard, or cheddar cheese" Wikipedia you should try it soon as you can because you miss a masterpiece

  Despite all this, I would shock you if I told you that it's basically not American food.

Because it is originally British, yes, as I told you it is, but this does not change anything from the fact that it is one of the most beloved American foods.

2- The Hamburger

Also, I do not think that many people disagree with the presence of hamburgers at the top of the list, as it is one of the favorite foods of the majority of Americans.

Since we mentioned the burger, we can't help but mention Louis Lassen. And for people who don't know Louis Lassen "New Haven resident Louis Lassen is credited with creating the first hamburger in 1900. Answering a customer's rush order for something “quick and delicious,” Lassen assembled a hamburger from ingredients intended for a steak sandwich production" source

3-French fries

For the rest of the list, there is a significant difference in rankings and a large convergence in voting for the next three. But we wouldn't be surprised by number three since it's always served with the burger And there are many people obsessed with eating fries every day for their ease of preparation and delicious taste

Despite the name "french fries", it is not French, but rather Belgian, so we find that it is consumed in Belgium more than in America.

4- Pizza

And who doesn't love pizza, If you want to watch a movie a game, or even chill with your friends pizza is your first choice since it makes us all feel good, And Pizza Margherita got the top on the list as the more favorable pizza.

5-Traditional chicken wings & chicken tenders

 When we come to chicken, we must remember these two types, as they are considered one of the most beloved foods for many people, and the way they are presented in dishes differs for some people.

And All that was mentioned was one of the most frequent answers only, and not all that was said, as there are many answers that we did not talk about here, such as Chicken nuggets, Bean burrito, Drop Biscuits and Sausage Gravy, hot dog, Texas Barbecue, Hominy Grits and more.

You can also read: Best 12 Healthiest Vegetables Top Superfood

Now we will ask more people to get more answers until we write another article about the top ten, and you, dear reader, can help us by answering our questions by writing to us through our social networking sites, and we will be more than happy to talk to you, and do not forget to follow us on all our accounts to be one of our permanent friends.