We asked people about the most nutritious vegetables that they prefer to eat daily or weekly and we got some good answers here are some of these answers

1-Broccoli: Top 1 vegetable

It's not strange to see it at the top of the list because it has a high number of benefits that would make you eat it daily, despite some people doesn't like its taste but you can cook it in many different ways to make it taste better but you shouldn't stop eating it or you can't get all that benefits in broccoli, And we will mention some of these benefits including its antioxidant effect that prevent the development of various conditions and reducing cancer risk, source vitamins C and K that help in improving bone health and prevent some of its diseases and many more benefits.

You can read also Best Broccoli Recipes

2-Tomatoes: Top 2 vegetables

One of the most favorite fruits worldwide, yes you read it correctly tomatoes are a fruit, not a vegetable as many think. We mention it with the best vegetables because it's one of the top answers that we got and to correct this information to people. It has many benefits like its antioxidant effect that reduces specific cancer risk, it is a source of some vitamins C and has low calories, and contains potassium and many more. 

3-AvocadoTop 3 vegetables

Like tomatoes avocado is a fruit, not a vegetable and many people don't know that. But still, many people like it and its many benefits like eating it to lose belly fat, and we can't say 100% right or wrong because it has monounsaturated fats that help in increasing fat burning and also make you feel fuller after meals. And if you look for vitamins B6, C, E, and K you should eat some avocado.

4-SpinachTop 4 vegetables

Many people and specific parents know that it has benefits but many of them don't know what that benefits so we will mention some of it. Spinach is like broccoli since it supports the immune system, and prevents cancer and cardiovascular diseases (Heart).

5- Sweet potatoes: Top 5 vegetables

One of the best vegetables in taste and many people not only like it but love it, And we got some answers from people who said they eat it daily. now we know why it's called sweet. It also has many benefits and source of potassium, fibers, and vitamins A, B6, and C.

6- CarrotsTop 6 vegetables

Nothing needs to be said about it because who doesn't like to eat carrots. And it has many benefits and the first one that would come to your mind is its benefit for eye and vision. Also, it helps in balancing blood sugar and blood pressure and many more.

7- Mushrooms: Top 7 vegetables

It's like broccoli and spinach since they support the immune system, and prevent the risk of cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases (Heart). Also, moderate the development of Alzheimer's disease. 

8- Hot peppers: Top 8 vegetables

If you are Mexican, Indian, or Pakistani you don't need benefits to eat hot pepper because you just love it and you can't eat without it. But it has many benefits like antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and has some like mushroom, broccoli, and spinach. And many more.

9- Beets: Top 9 vegetables

It's one of the best vegetables for your health, mainly if used to exercise since it improves your cardiovascular system and regulates blood sugar, blood flow, and blood pressure. Also, it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

10- Cauliflower: Top 10

It's one of those vegetables that has a lot of recipes that you can make. And has a lot of benefits that make you consider adding it to your healthy food list. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and prevents cancer and cardiovascular disease.

11- CucumberTop 11 vegetables

The first thing that can come to your mind is used in beauty and you are right. It can help to make your skin glow and help with irritability,  redness, and puffiness. And more important it increases hydration, regulates blood sugar, and improves heart health. 

12- KaleTop 12 vegetables

It's like cauliflower has a lot of recipes that you can make. It has many benefits and contains vitamins A, B6, C, and K. It has antioxidant effects too.

All that was mentioned was one of the most frequent answers only, and not all that was said, as there are many answers that we did not talk about here, such as Onion, Peas, Garlic, and many more.

Now we will ask more people to get more answers until we write another article about the top ten, and you, dear reader, can help us by answering our questions by writing to us through our social networking sites. We will be more than happy to talk to you and do not forget to follow us on all our accounts to be one of our permanent friends.