At this time people ask us to write about Paris after it has the top 1 in best places to visit in 2023 (You can read the article here) so we write this to help you to make your visit to Paris unforgettable and unique.

1-Eiffel Tower:

I think it is the first place that comes to every mind after talking about Paris and France because it’s the number 1 attraction place in Paris.

Note: Designed and built by Gustave Eiffel from 1887 to 1889 and this is where the name came from. And if you hear "La dame de fer" don't be confused because it's the local nickname of the Eiffel Tower.

What to do: The number 1 thing to do is take photos outside and inside the tower. Then visit the first floor to see “The Gustave Eiffel Room” which has a stunning few and transparent facades.

On the second floor, you can visit the restaurants and stores. a French restaurant with different types of food that you and your family can enjoy before you go to the store and take gifts like souvenirs of the Eiffel Tower.

Finally, you are here, The Top and you are 276m above the ground with one of the most beautiful views you can ever see the wind moves your hair and capture your breath and your heart goes fast and fast in a moment you will never forget it. Then you can see Gustave Eiffel's office and see the gramophone which presents to Gustave Eiffel as a gift by Thomas Addison, yes, Thomas Addison.

Tickets prices and time: Here

2The Louvre:

The most famous museum in the world and the most visited. One of the most beautiful places in Paris that you should see it. It contains the most renowned painting in the world, the Mona Lisa, And of course, this masterpiece needs ample space to keep it so it is put in the largest room in the Louvre the Salle des États.

What to see in the Louvre: If you love art you are in the right place because you will witness the art itself. You can take a tour through the Louvre collection of cameos and many other things to see.

3Tuileries Garden:

 A public garden located between the Louvre and the Place de la Concorde. It witnesses the history of France. You may ask what Tuileries means, It means a place for manufacturing tiles. The name came from the tile factories which were there in the past. And remember to mention it is free. 

4Musée d’Orsay:

It is your second choice when it comes to art. It is 0.74 miles (1.2 km) from The Louvre so you can visit the two museums in no time. It is famous for its extensive collection of Impressionist paintings, A number of the most famous paintings in the world by famous painters like Manet who has the most renowned piece in Musée d’Orsay, The Luncheon on the Grass (Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe). If you want to enter for free you should come on the first Sunday of every month. But if you want the best day for your visit you should avoid Sundays and Tuesdays to avoid the crowds and think to come on Wednesdays or Fridays to enjoy the visit. 


5Musée de l’Orangerie:

After you visit Musée d’Orsay, Musée de l’Orangerie is your next destination, it is only away 0.74 miles (1.2 km). If you want to see masterpieces for Monet, Picasso, and other famous painters it is the right destination.

Musée de l'Orangerie ticket office

6- Place de la Concorde:

Your next destination is a free one and it is very close to you only 0.21 miles (350 m). It is one of the major public places in pairs 

7- Colonne Vendôme:

Your next destination is free too and it is very close to you only 0.46 miles (750 m). Once you are there you can see the famous column in pairs and you may wonder about the identity of the person at the top, he is Napoleon Bonaparte so don't forget to take some selfies and photos. And you can visit the stores and salons around the place.

8- Palais GarnierParis Opera house

Your next destination may consider the most famous opera in the world. It is very close to you only 0.43 miles (700 m). A masterpiece of 19th-century theater art architecture. If you have children don't worry about buying tickets for them because it is free for children under 12. 

Details & Tickets

9- Montmartre:

If you are an art fan or not you should go there. Because it is definitely worth a visit. It is 1.36 miles (2.2 km) from Palais Garnier. And there are many things and places you should see it. Like the wall of love, Where "I Love You" was written 311 times in 250 languages. Then you should go to Café des Deux Moulins and Van Gogh's House. And still, there are many places in Montmartre to explore on your own.

10- La Villette:

The third largest park in Paris. It is 2.6 miles (4.2 km) from Montmartre. And if you have kids with you La Villette is still one of the top recommendations and entertainment for kids and adults. And your first place to see is The Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie (City of Science and Industrythe biggest science museum in Europe. And it is interesting for both kids and adults. And there are many to see like The “Geode” dome at La VilletteThe Paris Philharmonic, the garden at La Villette, and many more.



In the end, we should mention what is going on in France. You may ask yourself about what happens in France last few days. It all starts after a police officer killed a 17-year-old delivery driver during a traffic stop, named Nahel. And that is the reason for what going on now in France. So you should take care and put them into consideration if you want to travel to Paris these days.

Now we will ask more people to get more answers until we write another article about the top ten, and you, dear reader, can help us by answering our questions by writing to us through our social networking sites, and we will be more than happy to talk to you, and do not forget to follow us on all our accounts to be one of our permanent friends.